
Reuters: Egyptian authorities arrest top leader of Muslim Brotherhood

Τετάρτη, 21 Αυγούστου 2013 00:02

Seventy-year-old Mohamed Badie is the top leader of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood Islamist movement. On Tuesday, a grim faced Badie was displayed for the cameras after the army-backed government arrested and detained what appeared to be an attempt to humiliate the Brotherhood's most senior chief. Badie's arrest means the top echelon of Egypt's Islamist movement is now behind bars, and suggests the government is pressing on with its crackdown on the Brotherhood. It's thought he was taken from this apartment complex in northeast Cairo where authorities say he was hiding. Badie was charged in July with inciting violence during mass protests that called for the reinstatement of ousted President, and fellow Brotherhood member, Mohamed Mursi. He's due to stand trial on Sunday with two of his deputies.