Govt spox: Issue of two Greek servicemen held in Turkey remains a 'bilateral issue'

Tuesday, 20 March 2018 16:12
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The government spokesman on Tuesday reiterated that the continued incarceration of two Greek servicemen in a Turkish jail remains a "bilateral issue", although he nevertheless cited "diplomatic initiatives" to repatriate the men as soon as possible.

Dimitris Tzanakopoulos said the matter was also brought up recently by German Chancellor Angela Merkel with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

In response to press questions, the Greek spokesman added that if the Turkish side does not resolve the issue as soon as possible "then we may change tactics."

The latest developments involving the increasingly frustrating case have the two Greek servicemen, a lieutenant and NCO, appearing before a Turkish court on Tuesday in the border town of Edirne to provide more information, and specifically to answer questions about their mobile phones.

The two men were detained by a Turkish border patrol on March 1 and have been held ever since on vague charges and an incremental judicial investigation, but without a fixed court date to face specific charges. 


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