Naftemporiki – DIW Berlin

    Πέμπτη, 28 Ιουλίου 2016
  • 12:37
    Reform with a Greek signature

    Reform with a Greek signature

    Seven years into the crisis there are nary any conditions for a dynamic Grexit from the economic crisis, an extended period ...

    Πέμπτη, 21 Ιουλίου 2016
  • 12:19
    The Greek Crisis: Catharsis is still to come

    The Greek Crisis: Catharsis is still to come

    When comparing Greece with similarly sized Eurozone states, such as Finland, the Netherlands, or Belgium, an important difference becomes clear: ...

    Πέμπτη, 14 Ιουλίου 2016
  • 13:28
    Simple ways to close the VAT gap

    Simple ways to close the VAT gap

    VAT is the Greek State's most important source of revenue. From 2000 to 2012 it amounted, on average, to 7.15% ...

    Πέμπτη, 07 Ιουλίου 2016
  • 13:15
    Administrative reform on five pillars

    Administrative reform on five pillars

    Administrative reform is the elephant in the room. Greek citizens and creditors alike are aware of the dysfunctional of the Greek ...

    Πέμπτη, 16 Ιουνίου 2016
  • 11:44
    Education in Greece

    Education in Greece

    Even before the economic crisis Greece’s education sector was unreformed, lacking independent evaluation mechanisms that would provide incentives to promote ...

    Πέμπτη, 02 Ιουνίου 2016
  • 11:29
    Groundhog day in Athens

    Groundhog day in Athens

    Groundhog day in Athens: the Greek parliament has decided on yet another round of pension cuts, tax hikes and contingent ...

    Πέμπτη, 26 Μαΐου 2016
  • 10:37
    Saving Greece: A never ending story?

    Saving Greece: A never ending story?

    In 2014, there was evidence that Greece’s economic situation would take a turn for the better for the first time ...

    Πέμπτη, 19 Μαΐου 2016
  • 12:50
    The prologue to the Greek tragedy

    The prologue to the Greek tragedy

    In the 15 years following Greece’s accession to the EU in January 1981, its economy grew by less than 1% ...

    Πέμπτη, 12 Μαΐου 2016
  • 11:57
    The Greek Crisis: Εxit Roadmap

    The Greek Crisis: Εxit Roadmap

    Since the financial crisis of 2008, the Greek economy experienced a double-dip recession. The Greek GDP is almost 30 percent ...
