Poll: Ruling ND party retains double-digit lead over rival SYRIZA

Thursday, 24 October 2019 21:55
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Ruling New Democracy (ND) party retains a 13.5-percentage point lead over main opposition SYRIZA party in the latest monthly opinion poll by the Pulse firm, collecting 38.5 percent of respondents' preferences to 25 percent for its main rival.

The poll's results were again presented on the primetime newscast of Athens-based Skai television. The poll was conducted in the third week of October on a sample of 2,204 adults.

Asked about the center-right Mitsotakis government's first 100 days in office, 30 percent of respondents said the latter's best performance has been on taxation (i.e. reduced tax rates), followed by citizens' security (law enforcement) and then in attracting investments.

Asked about the government's very high-profile initiative to grant eligible Greek citizens the right to vote from abroad, a whopping 73 percent of respondents said political parties in Greece's Parliament should reach an agreement and pass legislation to finally allow such a right.

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