Report: Textile sector up, apparel production down

Monday, 24 October 2016 14:28
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Textile sector in the European Union grew in the first half of 2016, while the apparel sector eased over the same period, the Hellenic Fashion Industry Association (SEPEE) announced on Monday.

The Thessaloniki-based Association, in a report, said apparel production fell 2.8 percent in the January-June period, while textile production grew 2.5 percent compared with the same period in 2015. Turnover in the clothing sector eased 0.6 percent while in the textile sector turnover rose 2.7 percent.

In Greece, SEPEE said clothing production fell in the January-June period, while textile production grew.

"A general economic condition prevailing in the country and the imposition of additional tax measures were the main causes for this development (in the clothing sector)," SEPEE said in the report.

Apparel production in Greece fell 12.7 percent in the first half, turnover eased 1.7 percent, exports fell 6.5 percent, while retail sales grew 0.6 percent and imports rose 7.6 percent in the six-month period. In value, exports of clothing totaled 319 million euros, down from 340 million in 2015.

Textile production grew 5.2 percent in the first half, turnover rose 7.7percent, exports grew 15.4 percent and imports rose 13.2 percent. Textile exports totaled 295 million euros in the January-June period from 260 million in 2015.

In total, the value of Greek exports of clothing/textiles -including primary production (cotton) was 693 million euros in the January-July period, down 0.8 percent from 2015.


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