Covid-19 outbreak: Another surge in single-day infections in Greece; nine related fatalities, 122 intubated patients

Tuesday, 20 July 2021 20:58
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Public health officials in Greece announced another 3,565 new coronavirus infections over the last 24 hours in the country on Tuesday, a significant increase from the previous day, Monday. Seven of the infections were detected at border entry points to the country.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, a total of 463,473 infections have been registered in the country.    

Another nine related deaths were also reported on the day, bringing the death toll to 12,867. In terms of the victims, 95.1 percent suffered from an underlying condition or were above the age of 70. The average age of the victims remained fixed at 78.

The number of intubated patients suffering from acute Covid-19 symptoms remained mostly at the same level, with 121 cases treated in hospital ICUs. The average age of these patients remained at 66, with 89.3 percent suffering from an underlying condition or above the age of 70.   

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