Greek PM leaves open possibility of requiring public sector health professionals to receive Covid vaccinations

Wednesday, 07 April 2021 22:05
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Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Wednesday evening left open the possibility of the state requiring healthcare professionals to get vaccinated for the Covid-19 virus or else be transferred from dealing with patients.
Speaking during a live interview with an Athens-based television station, Mitsotakis although his government does not want to create tension in public hospitals at present, the issue will be re-examined in September. 
He added that such as decision, similar to one taken in Italy, will be seriously considered, but after the current surge in Covid-19 cases and the commensurate pressure on the healthcare system abates. 
"We must make it clear that you cannot serve as a healthcare professional, with a sacred duty to care for our fellow citizens, which are sick, and you yourselves are not protected," he said. 
In a statement unrelated to the pandemic, Mitsotakis also categorically rejected any prospect of snap elections being held this year, saying his government, elected in July 2019, will exhaust its four-year mandate.


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