Greek, Turkish reps to sit down for exploratory talks on Jan. 25 s after 4-year hiatus; Mitsotakis: Only issue is delimitation of sea zones

Monday, 11 January 2021 21:35
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Greek Prime Minister reminded on Monday afternoon that the only object up for discussion in whatever "exploratory talks" with neighboring Turkey is the delimitation of maritime zones, speaking from Lisbon and only hours after the most pronounced "olive branch" and conciliatory tone emerged from official Ankara in recent memory.

Later in the evening, press reports referred to a resumption of the process, with the 61st round of exploratory talks between representatives of the two countries to commence in Istanbul on Jan. 25.

Mitsotakis was asked about the same-day invitation to recommence exploratory talks by Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, who, in fact, referred to a first meeting with his Greek counterpart Nikos Dendias in Tirana. The Greek premier answered questions in a press conference with his host, Portuguese PM Antonio Costa.

While Cavusoglu's invitation was bereft of the belligerence and provocations that characterized Turkish leadership throughout 2020, it did contain - yet again - an irksome reference for Athens, namely, "dialogue without preconditions over all issues".   

Athens has repeatedly stated that it will not sit down to discuss Turkey's baseless claims and demands, eschewing international law and customary law in favor a "grand bazaar-type" of bargaining.

"We expect an official invitation for exploratory talks for a sole issue: the delimitation of maritime zone," Mitsotakis said from Lisbon, while adding: "What I'm keeping as positive is that Turkey is expressing a volition to begin this process. However, it's about time we stop playing a game of make-believe, and fine a date to substantively begin contacts."

A foreign ministry spokesman earlier confirmed that no official notice or invitation has been received by Athens.

Erdogan-led Turkey has dramatically softened its rhetoric after ducking inconvenient EU sanctions against it late last year, and ahead of a new Biden administration in Washington this month.

The last, 60th in succession, round of exploratory talks between Athens and Ankara took place in 2016, before the latter canceled further meetings.

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