Another, modest step in finalizing Helleniko property development project

Tuesday, 11 February 2020 19:22

Έντονο προβληματισμό για τις εξελίξεις στο project των 7 δισ. ευρώ στο Ελληνικό εξέφρασε η κοινοπραξία των επενδυτών υπό τη Lamda Development.

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The government on Monday announced yet another, albeit modest, step forward towards finally commencing construction at the Helleniko site in coastal southeast Athens, which comprises the most iconic privatization in recession-battered Greece and one of the biggest real estate developments in Europe.

According to the finance minister, the ministry, the privatization agency (HRADF) and concession holder Lamda Development agreed to a plan dividing up real estate holdings within the so-called metropolitan axis comprised of the 620-hectare Helleniko site and the adjacent Aghios Kosmas coastal sports grounds.

The Helleniko site sits on land where the old Athens airport operated, along with a one-time military airbase, former 2004 Olympics outdoor facilities, hangars, auxiliary buildings and even the civil aviation authority headquarters.

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