Cosco expected to re-submit draft Piraeus Port Authority master plan this week

Thursday, 22 August 2019 21:27
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A slightly revised, according to press reports, 800-million-euro master plan by the Cosco-managed Piraeus Port Authority will be submitted to a relevant shipping ministry committee on Friday, by all accounts.

The master plan retain a project to build a fourth terminal at the port.

In a related development, the container port within PPA broke the three million-teu threshold in the first seven months of 2019.

As previously reported, the draft master plan does not include the construction of a shopping mall, but rather a small shopping arcade, to open exclusively for purchases by cruise ship passengers.

The plan also does not include the creation of a super yacht repair yard or the prospect of a shipyard license, given that PPA's management has taken recourse to the Council of State (CoS).

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