Greek political parties vilify Tsipras, now ex-coalition partner Kammenos

Sunday, 13 January 2019 19:35
Nick Paleologos / SOOC/
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The opprobrium heaped against the Tsipras government on Sunday by the political opposition, in the wake of the dissolution of the coalition binding the former's leftist SYRIZA with the small right-wing party headed by Panos Kammenos, reached a fever pitch.

Main opposition New Democracy (ND) party referred to the end of a dreadful and harmful stage play, adding that "whichever deputy now backs Tsipras in the vote of confidence (motion) will assume their responsibility vis-a-vis history."

"The tragic Tsipras-Kammenos pair today acted out, in a live broadcast, a staged 'divorce'. A play that aims to ratify the Prespa agreement, keep SYRIZA in power and maintain Mr. Kammenos and his deputies in their (deputy) seats for a little bit more."

KINAL party leader Fofi Gennimata, who heads up the social democrat grouping mostly coalescing around once dominant PASOK, charged that "the country can no longer tolerate the mutual blackmailing and farce that was staged by Mr. Tsipras and Mr. Kammenos."

The head of the centrist Potami party, Stavros Theodorakis, stressed that his MPs will not support the now shaky Tsipras government.

The Communist Party (KKE), meanwhile, said it will vote down the government, as widely expected, adding it "does not have political legitimacy".

Finally, one of the outspoken Kammenos' even more flamboyant MPs, Thanassis Papachristopoulos, claimed in statements on Sunday that four AN.EL MPs, himself included, will vote in favor of the government when the confidence vote is tabled.

The trio includes current Tourism Minister Elena Kountoura.

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