Stelios Bi-Communal Awards 2018 on Cyprus announced

Thursday, 27 September 2018 21:58
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Easyjet founder and shipowner Stelios Haji-Ioannou this week announced the 50 bi-communal teams (50 Greek-Cypriots and 50 Turkish-Cypriots), each of which will receive cash prizes of  10,000 euros - with the total this year being 500,000 euros.

Nearly 700 Greek-Cypriots and Turkish-Cypriots collaborated and submitted applications for the Stelios Bi-Communal Awards 2018 and the 50 cash prizes offered by the Stelios Philanthropic Foundation. Since 2009, the total value of the awards that were granted to bi-communal collaborations adds up to 3.25 million euros.

The aim of the Sir Stelios’ philanthropic act for the past 10 years is to encourage cooperation between the members of the two communities in Cyprus and to establish lasting peace on the island.

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