FM on fYRoM issue: Athens discussing 'a name distinctly different from Greek Macedonia'

Tuesday, 09 January 2018 09:02

Speaking on an evening newscast, FM Nikos Kotzias added that "our neighbors know that they cannot join international organizations, such as NATO, without a solution."

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The relevant foreign minister on Monday evening shed more light on the leftist-rightist coalition's "road map" ahead of any resumption in substantive negotiations to finally solve the long-standing "fYRoM name issue", repeating that Athens is discussing a composite name for all uses "and a name distinctly different from Greek Macedonia."

Speaking on an evening newscast, FM Nikos Kotzias added that "our neighbors know that they cannot join international organizations, such as NATO, without a solution."

In reference to the right-wing junior coalition partner in the current government, Defense Minister Panos Kammenos and his eight Independent Greeks (ANEL) party deputies in Parliament, Kotzias said "Mr. Kammenos didn't say he does not agree with the use of the name 'Macedonia'. He said that he does not agree with the use of the term in Greek. This is very important, and this is what we must see how it will be derived through negotiations," he said, adding that there is no issue of a referendum in Greece.  

Τhe positions of Kammenos and his rightist-populist ANEL party on the "name issue" have been the subject of increased speculation over recent weeks, although the latter have "toed the government" line in practically all decisions taken by the coalition government, including the third bailout, new austerity measures and even social policy.

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