EWG refers to Greek debt sustainability in statement on preliminary agreement

Thursday, 04 May 2017 18:26

Following the implementation of the prior actions by Greece, the Eurogroup could endorse the policy package and the terms of the next disbursement and address the sustainability of Greek debt in the near future, on the basis of the May 2016 agreement.

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The EuroWorking Group was the latest European entity to praise this week’s “preliminary” agreement between Athens and creditors - saying the deal is the basis for the conclusive second review of the Greek program.

The EWG met during an extraordinary session on Thursday to take up the Greek issue.

In echoing other European leaders this week, a EWG statement said after the implementation of prior actions the Eurogroup could then deal with the Greek debt’s sustainability in the “near future”, and based on the May 2016 agreement.  

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