Greek official: Negotiations with creditors to resume on Monday over differences

Monday, 01 May 2017 19:00
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The latest round of negotiations between the Greek government's top ministers and creditors auditors is set for Monday afternoon, given that an extension in talks was decided last week in order to resolve remaining "open issues" and finally conclude the second review of the Greek program.

Monday was a essentially a universal holiday throughout Greece, given that banks, state services and schools were closed for May Day, which if combined with traditional strikes to commemorate a landmark 19th industrial action and accompanying fair weather, constituted a perfect three-day getaway in the country.

In statements circulated in the early afternoon, an unnamed government official claimed that the Greek side had finished examining all approved texts related to the negotiations, i.e. the MoU with European creditors and the MEFP with the IMF. The same official said remaining differences between the two sides will be the focus of Monday's negotiations.

One subject that has not been discussed is the level of primary budget surpluses after 2018, which is expected to be linked with whatever debt relief measures is considered -- according to Athens' best-case scenario -- at a Eurogroup meeting on May 22.

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