Bloomberg refers to 'another missed deadline' for Greek bailout program

Monday, 20 March 2017 09:04
SOOC/Menelaos Myrillas

The international business news agency warns, in its dispatch, of the country "... edging closer to a repeat of the 2015 drama that pushed Europe’s most indebted state to the edge of economic collapse."

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Bloomberg forecasts another missed deadline for concluding the now utterly delayed review of the Greek program, as yet another "unofficial deadline" will probably come and go on Monday, March 20.

The international business news agency warns, in its dispatch, of the country "... edging closer to a repeat of the 2015 drama that pushed Europe’s most indebted state to the edge of economic collapse."

Standing differences remain on energy market and labor sector liberalization, as well as on "precautionary measures" creditors - particularly the IMF - want the embattled Tsipras government to enact now in order to guarantee that fiscal targets after 2018 are met by Athens.

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