Reports: Athens will attempt to keep right to manage whatever savings from pension cuts

Friday, 24 February 2017 09:04

Additionally, reports state that the Greek side will try to ensure that it decides whose pension gets cut.

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By T. Tsiros & M. Hatzikonstantinou

One apparent "thorn" in looming talks between the Greek side and creditors is the former's demand to decide on how whatever savings from another prospective cut in pensions will be allocated.

In yet another "non paper" issued by the leftist government immediately after Monday's Eurogroup, the first "indication" was that any further social security cuts will come in 2020, a year after scheduled general elections are held in 2019.

Additionally, reports state that the Greek side will try to ensure that it decides whose pension gets cut.

The reason is primarily political, given that a harmonization (downwards) will also affect low-income pensioners, which the leftist government does not want to harm. At first glance, whatever decreases are expected to be imposed on beneficiaries receiving more than 800 or 1,000 euros per month.

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