Latest criticism of PM by SYRIZA MEP

Thursday, 05 January 2017 22:25

MEP Costas Chrysogonos, a constitutional law professor by training, said he hasn't spoken to Tsipras in nearly two years (file photo).



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The latest political "fireworks" in recession-battered Greece was an internal party affair this week, as a European MEP elected on the ruling SYRIZA party's ticket took aim at Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, who heads the leftist government in Athens.

MEP Costas Chrysogonos, a constitutional law professor by training, said he hasn't spoken to Tsipras in nearly two years.

"The only meeting of SYRIZA's European Parliament group with the prime minister occurred in March 2015 ... that was the last contact," the MEP told local media. In continuing in a more biting tone, Chrysogonos said Tsipras is "obviously" being briefed on European issues by his advisers at the Maximos Mansion.

In an acerbic subsequent reaction conveyed by "government sources", the latter said Tsipras does not choose his interlocutors from guest panels on television news programs. The same sources said that if the MEP wanted a meeting with Tsipras he could easily see him.

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