Obama praise for Greece's role in dealing with refugee issue

Tuesday, 15 November 2016 14:27
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US President Barack Obama praised Greece for what he called the country's “humanitarian and compassionate manner” in dealing with the unprecedented, by post-war standards, Mideast war refugee issue. His comments came during his meeting with Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos on Tuesday.

Obama began a two-day working visit Athens that is loaded with symbolism, given that it is his first to the country -- which dominated international headlines over the past few years -- and part of his last overseas tour as US president.

In reference to the landmark Lausanne Treaty, which finalized borders of the new Turkish state in 1923 and solved many of the Near East issues at the time, Pavlopoulos said this was 'inconceivable' and would undermine not just Greek borders but EU borders.

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