Facebook: 89% of Greek users linked with at least one SME

Wednesday, 02 November 2016 23:54
UPD:03/11/2016 00:06
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Eighty-nine percent of Greece-based Facebook users are linked with the business account of at least one SME, participants at the inaugural SMB-Boost Your Business” conference heard on Wednesday in Athens.  

The event was organized by Facebook and the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EBEA).

“There are more than 60 million small-to-medium-sized businesses that actively use Facebook’s pages because they are free; easy to use and function well on mobile phones. Generally, entrepreneurs are discovering Facebook for their businesses because they already know how to use it for personal reasons. The creation of a FB page is as easy as setting up a profile. Furthermore, all of their customers are already on Facebook,” FB SMB Director Stefanos Loukakos said during an address.

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