Govt appears to insist on Polydoras candidacy for head of broadcasting authority

Monday, 31 October 2016 11:27
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The leftist Greek government will reportedly proceed as planned with its nomination for an independent broadcasting authority, even in the face the opposition’s immediate rejection of the candidate, former New Democracy minister Vyron Polydoras, a long-time conservative politician now at odds with his former party.

The volition to proceed with a Polydoras candidacy was reinforced after a meeting between the former and Parliament President Nikos Voutsis on Monday morning.

A four-fifths approval by Parliament MPs (240 out 300 deputies) is needed to appoint members of the board of the national radio-television council, a number that the current coalition government does not have.

Both Voutsis and Polydoras, who was Parliament president of a day, made no mention of the latter bowing out of the candidacy. A firestorm of criticism erupted over the weekend in the wake of the Tsipras government's surprise announcement.

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