Population decrease another repercussion from ongoing Greek econ crisis

Sunday, 02 October 2016 16:29
SOOC/Konstantinos Tsakalidis
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Crisis-battered Greece racked up another three negative records in 2015 involving its population, with births reaching their lowest level since the ongoing economic crisis unfolded in 2009.

Secondly, deaths reached a five-year high, while the ratio of deaths to births also posting a negative record, as deaths of Greek citizens surpassed births by nearly 30,000. The last figure is one of the most lopsided demographic characteristics for Greece ever recorded in peace time.

2015 also marked the fifth consecutive year that Greece’s population decreased. Collectively, since 2011 through 2015 the country’s legal population decreased by 90,000 people, based on the skewed ratio between deaths and births. The figure does not take into account the number of Greek citizens legally emigrating from the country.

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