First theatrical performance on isle of Delos in nearly two millennia

Wednesday, 31 August 2016 15:41
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A unique theatrical performance will be staged Saturday afternoon in the remnants of the ancient theater on the Cyclades isle of Delos, an uninhabited outcrop that nevertheless serves as one of the most stunning outdoor museums of antiquities in the country.

A troupe from the municipal theater company of Agrinio, a town in western Greece, will stage “Hecuba, a Refugee on Delos”, fusing ancient playwright Euripides’ “Hecuba” and “The Trojan Women”, in a bid to update and link the dramas with the current refugee flows in the Aegean emanating from the Middle East and beyond.

According to the organizers and the archaeology service that oversees the significant archaeological site, which is only a short boat ride from the well-known island of Mykonos, the performance marks the first time in nearly two millennia that the lines of a play and acting will be seen and heard on what remains of the ancient theater.

The performance will be conducted in the afternoon daylight and with a very limited number of viewers.

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