Greek MEP tables question over controversial off-shore article included in austerity package

Tuesday, 31 May 2016 12:32

PASOK MEP Eva Kaili tabled the question in the wake of an ongoing political furor in Greece over an obscure article included in a voluminous austerity package that was narrowly passed by the government majority in Parliament last week.

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A Greek MEP has tabled an urgent question at the European Parliament requesting to learn whether a recent amendment in the Greek legal framework relaxing prohibitions against ministers, MPs and top ministry officials from participation in off-shore companies was a prior action demanded by the country’s creditors.

PASOK MEP Eva Kaili tabled the question in the wake of an ongoing political furor in Greece over an obscure article included in a voluminous austerity package that was narrowly passed by the government majority in Parliament last week.

The article modified a stricter law and allows ministers, Parliament deputies and ministry general secretaries to participate in off-shore companies that are based in countries that “cooperate in taxation” issues with Greek authorities.

One of the arguments heard from the government side this past week was that the article was legislated in order to harmonize Greek law with the EU acquis in regards to off-shore companies.

“It’s the previous (governments’) fault… they are all the same? Did the troika demand this as a prior action? Does the retroactive application protect someone?” were the questions raised by Kaili.  

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