Varoufakis to Tsipras: IMF 'gift' pre-empts plan to blame Athens for 'credit event'

Monday, 04 April 2016 16:28
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Former Greek FinMin Yanis Varoufakis addressed an “open letter” to Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on Monday, warning, as he said, that “a significant chapter from the Wikileaks revelations” could be wasted if the leftist Greek government does not act.

The controversial economist-turned politician turned pan-European political activist published his latest intervention in the wake of a disclosure by Wikileaks, which published what it claims is a teleconference dialogue between two top IMF executives regarding the Greek program.

The Varoufakis letter was published in the Athens daily “Efimerida ton Syntakton”, and addressed the Greek premier by his first name.

He stressed that “Wikileaks has offered you a gift that by itself overturns the plan to burden the (current Tsipras) government with a new July ‘credit event’.”

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