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Da Vinci Of Debt Art Installation Grand Central Terminal New York City. 2600 authentic diplomas collectively valued at $470 million. This art installation to draw attention the college debt crisis in the U.S. and the "chaotic impact" on the lives of those who are burdened by it. The value is derived from the average total cost of a four-year college education. The result is a piece of art valued at $470 million dollars, besting the most expensive piece of art ever sold at public auction. https://www.naturallight.com/davinci-of-debt #DaVinciOfDebt#GrandCentralTerminal#NYC#2021# "Da Vinci of Debt"は本物のアメリカの大学卒業証書2600枚から作られたアートインスタレーション。 米国の大学の債務危機とそれにより負担をかけられている人々の生活への影響で混沌とした状況を表現したアート。