Τρίτη, 18 Ιανουαρίου 2022 11:04

Teachers' unions to stage protest gathering at Syntagma Sq. on Wednesday

Three of Greece's biggest umbrella union federations of teachers are staging a joint protest gathering at 17:00 at Syntagma Square on Wednesday, January 19.

Three of Greece's biggest umbrella union federations of teachers are staging a joint protest gathering at 17:00 at Syntagma Square on Wednesday, January 19.

In an announcement, the teachers' unions say that the government's management of the coronavirus pandemic in schools over the last two years has failed to adequately protect either students or their teachers.

They also added that the government disregarded any and all of their proposals for better public health measures in schools.

Traffic restrictions in the streets around Syntagma Square may come into effect on the day.

Source: ANA-MPA