Τετάρτη, 08 Δεκεμβρίου 2021 13:51

Extending the tourism season a strategic aim for the ministry, Kikilias says

Extending the tourist season in Greece and supporting winter and city-break destinations is a strategic goal for the tourism ministry, Tourism Minister Vassilis Kikilias said on Wednesday in statements to the public broadcaster ERT, predicting that this goal will be achieved.

Extending the tourist season in Greece and supporting winter and city-break destinations is a strategic goal for the tourism ministry, Tourism Minister Vassilis Kikilias said on Wednesday in statements to the public broadcaster ERT, predicting that this goal will be achieved.

He reiterated that the Greek National Tourist Organisation (GNTO) campaign for winter destinations in all Greek regions will be released in a few days, noting that this was being done for the first time in history. He also mentioned plans for a campaign to promote short city-break holidays in Athens, Thessaloniki and other cities.

Referring to Tuesday's decision at the ECOFIN Council to reduce VAT by up to 30 pct on all islands, the minister stressed that this was very important news and gave added value to the tourist product. For the new year, he pointed out that health safety will once again be the number one prerequisite for travelling in 2022. "All countries are in tough competition but we have the 'pole position' due to our actions and organisation as regards health safety rules over the last two years," the minister said.

Source: ANA-MPA