Σάββατο, 30 Οκτωβρίου 2021 14:45

Viral load levels in Thessaloniki's sewage surpass alarm threshold

The viral load detected in Thessaloniki's wastewater has increased to alarming levels, the research team conducting the study revealed on Saturday.

The viral load detected in Thessaloniki's wastewater has increased to alarming levels, the research team conducting the study revealed on Saturday.

The study is a joint project conducted by scientists from the University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) and the city's water and sewage company (EYATH).

The viral load in samples collected on October 25 and 26 showed a 34 percent increase in comparison with the two previous measurements, and a 50 pct increase compared to September 20, 21.

"We are now above the alarm threshold, very close to the maximum values we recorded last April. For several weeks there has been a relatively mild upward trend around high viral load values, but now we see that this rate is accelerating, which means that the virus is spreading to the community much faster," head of the team, AUTH rector Prof. Nikos Papaioannou, told Athens-Macedonian News Agency (ANA-MPA) on Saturday.