Τετάρτη, 14 Ιουλίου 2021 22:33

'Anti-vax' organizers hold protests throughout Greece; 4K assemble in front of Parliament on Wed.

Two separate rallies took place in central Athens on Wednesday afternoon against recent Covid-19 restrictions affecting non-vaccinated individuals in the country, as well as against what they claim is a forthcoming state order for "mandatory vaccinations".

Two separate rallies took place in central Athens on Wednesday afternoon against recent Covid-19 restrictions affecting non-vaccinated individuals in the country, as well as against what they claim is a forthcoming state order for "mandatory vaccinations".

The biggest rally, in front of Parliament at Syntagma Square, was comprised by roughly 4,000 people, according to police. A smaller protest was held in nearby Omonia square.

Similar protests were held in cities around the country, with organizers using social media to assemble "anti-vaxers" and other pandemic skeptics.

Footage from Syntagma Square showed most protestors without masks, with many holding Greek flags and placards against the vaccinations and what they claimed was a trend towards mandatory inoculations in Greece for the Covid-19 virus.

The Mitsotakis government did, indeed, announce measures recently, saying healthcare professionals, in both the public and private sector, would be required to get the Covid-19 vaccine in order to continue working with patients, otherwise they would face the prospect of unpaid leave.

Additionally, food-and-beverage establishments will now be able to choose whether they will serve only vaccinated customers, and those that have previously contracted the virus, or remain a "mixed" venue.

Meanwhile, in an announcement earlier in the day, the government said the Hellenic Coast Guard will assume the process of certifying that passengers boarding ferry boats for Greece's numerous island destinations comply with Covid-19 rules, beginning on Thursday.