Τρίτη, 31 Δεκεμβρίου 2019 22:31

Process continues for eventual relocation of Mont Parnes casino

Greece's gaming commission has issued a tender for the assessment of properties and surplus value related to the Parnitha casino which operates from atop Mt. Parnitha, overlooking the greater Athens area from the northwest - a development judged as another step in relocating the iconic casino to a less remote and more commercially viable in the same general area.

Greece's gaming commission has issued a tender for the assessment of properties and surplus value related to the Parnitha casino which operates from atop Mt. Parnitha, overlooking the greater Athens area from the northwest - a development judged as another step in relocating the iconic casino to a less remote and more commercially viable in the same general area.

According to the text of the published tender, the assessment of surplus value will be included in an estimator's report, one based on international valuation standards.

The current operator is officially called the Regency Casino Mont Parnes.

The surplus value will be offset by the value assigned to the properties, whereby comprising the minimum level of investment that the holding company that owns the gaming concession, EKPA S.A., must implement for the Hellenic Gaming Commission to issue a relocation license, as well as a minimum equity that EKPA's private shareholders will have to invest.