Δευτέρα, 02 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019 12:33

Development minister: Six high-rise buildings at Helleniko site

The relevant development and investments minister on Monday told news radio program that no less than six high-rise buildings are planned for construction at the Helleniko site in coastal southeast Athens.

The relevant development and investments minister on Monday told news radio program that no less than six high-rise buildings are planned for construction at the Helleniko site in coastal southeast Athens.

Minister Adonis Georgiadis added that a master plan developed by the previous Tsipras government remains intact and has not been revised by the addition of "even one more window".

The outspoken lawmaker also predicted that the Greek state will collect a 300-million-euro down payment, from the international consortium has won the concession to manage the massive property development privatization, by the end of the year, with the first construction set for early 2020.

Finally, he said the deadline for a gaming concession at the site is Oct. 4, 2019.