Πέμπτη, 09 Νοεμβρίου 2017 18:45

IMF spokesman calls on Greece to finally inaugurate e-auction platform

An IMF spokesman on Thursday reiterated that electronic auctions comprise a significant structural reform in still bailout-dependent Greece, while encouraging Greek authorities to quickly implement a relevant platform that is still on the “drawing board”.

An IMF spokesman on Thursday reiterated that electronic auctions comprise a significant structural reform in still bailout-dependent Greece, while encouraging Greek authorities to quickly implement a relevant platform that is still on the “drawing board”.

Deputy spokesman William Murray, who spoke during a regular press briefing in Washington D.C., said reducing the “mountain” of non-performing loans (NPLs) in Greece is a necessary condition in order to restore a normal flow of credit from Greece’s lenders.

At the same time, he said the IMF does not discern a danger of any divergence from the set fiscal goals entailed in the current Greek bailout program, and as such, no further measures are necessary.