Τετάρτη, 21 Ιουνίου 2017 00:58

Reuters: Debate in Bundestag over Greek program, Eurogroup deal delayed by a week

Debate in the Bundestag regarding last week's agreement at the Eurogroup on the Greek issue and disbursement of an 8.5-billion-euro loan tranche to Greece was postponed for next week, instead of Wednesday, as was previously scheduled.

Debate in the Bundestag regarding last week's agreement at the Eurogroup on the Greek issue and disbursement of an 8.5-billion-euro loan tranche to Greece was postponed for next week, instead of Wednesday, as was previously scheduled.

According to Reuters, the debate was bumped back a week at the request of the SPD party.

The news agency reported that several SPD deputies requested a debate at a plenary session instead of discussion in the Bundestag's budget committee.