Τρίτη, 07 Φεβρουαρίου 2017 17:47

Dijsselbloem: Greece doing better than what IMF report suggests

Eurogroup chairman Jeroen Dijsselbloem was uncharacteristically on Athens' side on Tuesday, in comments following Monday's IMF report on the Greek economy and debt, emphasizing, among others, that the report is "outdated due to recent growth."

Eurogroup chairman Jeroen Dijsselbloem was uncharacteristically on Athens' side on Tuesday, in comments following Monday's IMF report on the Greek economy and debt, emphasizing, among others, that the report is "outdated due to recent growth."

The Dutch finance minister also said he was surprised by the "hardness" of results and conclusions regarding the country in the report, saying Greece is doing better than the IMF suggests.

He also said more debt relief could be considered, while admitting that the Fund is pressing for reforms combined with debt relief.