Δευτέρα, 06 Φεβρουαρίου 2017 09:25

Leading candidate for US envoy to EU: 'Strong reason for Greece moving away from euro'

US President Donald Trump’s choice for America's ambassador to the European Union told Bloomberg over the weekend that there's a "very strong reason for Greece moving away from the euro". 

US President Donald Trump’s choice for America's ambassador to the European Union told Bloomberg over the weekend that there's a "very strong reason for Greece moving away from the euro". 

Well-known academic and business consultant Ted Mallock added that although he's not "privy" to the IMF's view on the Greek program, he has had discussion on the matter.

He was queried on the Trump administration's view over the IMF's role in Greek bailout package.

"... I believe there is friction, frankly, about whether there should be a bailout and who's responsibility that bailout would be, and why Greece continues in that the same kind of stagnating situation that it's found itself over the last period of year," he said, reminding initially that he has still not assumed any role in the current US administration.

Asked by the Bloomberg anchor if the country should leave the Euro zone, he said: "I don't want to speak for the Greeks, but from an economist's perspective there is a very strong reason for Greece moving away from the euro".