Τετάρτη, 16 Νοεμβρίου 2016 14:11

Obama closed his speech by saying «Ζήτω η Ελλάς»

Barack Obama was given a rock star-like welcome before his address at a new cultural multiplex in coastal Athens on Wednesday, where he responded with a “Kalispera” (good afternoon in Greek) to a standing ovation and a “hello Greece”.

Barack Obama was given a rock star-like welcome before his address at a new cultural multiplex in coastal Athens on Wednesday, where he responded with a “Kalispera” (good afternoon in Greek) to a standing ovation and a “hello Greece”.

Obama's began his address with references to the Greek-American community, his interaction with the ethnic Greeks of Chicago; Greek-Americans' presence in the US armed forces, the Greek Orthodox Chapel of St. Nicholas, which was reconstructed after its destruction in 9/11 and even to the symbolism of the Acropolis for ancient Athens' democracy and concept of the "kratos", the rule of law state.

Other highlights included:

Praise for democratic ideals, with Obama confiding that his travels as US president for eight years is that people want to control their lives and future.

A reference to an Orthodox priest’s raising of revolutionary banner to symbolically commence Greek War of Independence (1821-1829), before citing Ukraine and Tunisia, among others, as peoples striving for democracy, emphasizes that democracies more prosperous.

His appeal to a youthful audience at Stavros Niarchos Foundation Center, where he stressed that democracy makes us stronger than terrorists and autocrats; we are open, welcome refugees to our countries. He also cited the Greek people's “generosity (to refugees) has inspired the world”. He said diplomacy stopped Iran’s nuclear program, normalized relations with Cuba and signed climate change protocol in Paris.

At another point he cited a famous quote attributed to Winston Churchill regarding democracy.

He also referred to what he called the paradoxes of globalization, saying he believes most people would choose to live today, a better world than previously, less violent.

In a free-flowing address that appeared to be aimed at his legacy in the White House, he bemoaned “global elites” and corporations that he said appear to be living by another set of rules, in touching on phenomenon of companies, factories moving to cheaper destinations, adding that even the poorest child in the world and the most remote village in Africa now knows how other parts of the world live.

“Part of the reason for my visit here is to highlight the steps taken by Greece; major sacrifices by Greek people,” -- Greek economy wasn't sustainable, economy needs to attract investments and create jobs; you should stay here, not emigrate; Greece will see better days; refers to debt relief and cites his administration's support for the country.

Obama also cited the issue of Greek debt relief several times.

"The IMF has said that debt relief will be crucial to get Greece back to growth. They are right. It is important because if reforms here are to be sustained, people here need to see hope and they need to see progress."

Young people, in particular, needed to know there is a future, there is education, and jobs that were worthy of their potential, he added.

"You don’t have to travel overseas, you can put roots right here in your home, in Greece, and succeed. And I am confident that if you stay the course, as hard as it has been, Greece will see brighter days," he said in a message to the country.

The process of reform in Greece had been essential, Obama noted, since the country's economy and debt had become unsustainable.

"In this global economy, investment and jobs flow to countries where governments are efficient not bloated, where the rules are clear. To stay competitive, to attract investment that creates jobs, Greece had to start a reform process," he said.

This reform process, he said, has caused "extraordinary pain" and generated "tremendous sacrifices" by the Greek people, which the "world does not, perhaps, fully appreciate."

"Part of the purpose of my visit was to highlight for the world the important steps that had been taken here in Greece," Obama said, noting that the Greek budget was back in surplus and that Parliament had passed reforms to make the economy more competitive.

"I want to commend Prime Minister Tsipras for the very difficult reforms his government is pursuing to put the economy on a firmer footing," Obama added, promising that Greece will continue to have Washington's backing as it works for economic recovery.

"I will continue to urge creditors to take the steps needed to put Greece on a path toward sustained economic recovery," he promised.

The US commander-in-chief continued by referring to the challenges presented to democratic societies by an increasingly globalized world.

"How do we ensure that our diverse, multicultural, multi-racial, multi-religious world and our diverse nations uphold both the rights of individuals and a fundamental civil adherence to a common creed that binds us together? Democracy is simplest where everybody thinks alike, looks alike, eats the same food, worships the same god. Democracy becomes more difficult when there are people coming from a variety of backgrounds and trying to live together," he said.

"Faced with this new reality, where cultures clash, it is inevitable that some will seek a comfort in nationalism or tribe or ethnicity or sect," Obama said. At the same time, widening inequality had led to "a growing suspicion or even disdain for elites and institutions that seem remote from the daily lives of ordinary people."

As a counter-weight he proposed an "inclusive political and cultural strategy" and governments that are more open, efficient and effective in responding to citizens’ daily needs of citizens. "People have to know that they are being heard.”

"The world needs a Europe that is strong and prosperous and democratic. But, all institutions in Europe have to ask themselves how can we make sure that people in individual countries feel that their voices are still being heard, that their identities are being affirmed, that the decisions that are being made that will have a critical impact on their lives are not so remote that they have no ability to impact them," the POTUS said.

Besides Churchill, he also quoted Martin Luther King. "The arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice because there will be people, generation after generation, who have the vision, the courage and the will to bend the arc of our lives in the direction of a better future."  

"In every corner of the world I have met people who in their daily lives demonstrate that, despite differences of race or religion or creed or color we have the capacity to see each other in ourselves. Like the woman here in Greece who said, of the refugees arriving on these shores, “we live under the same sun, we fall in love under the same moon, we are all human. We have to help these people.” Women like that give me hope … In all of our communities, in all of our countries, I believe there is more of what Greeks call ‘philotimo’ -- Love and respect and kindness for family and community and country and a sense that we are all in this together, with obligations to each other.

“Philotimo, I see it every day and that gives me hope," he concluded to a cheering audience.