Πέμπτη, 06 Οκτωβρίου 2016 10:54

Regling echoes Moscovici criticism over 'unwillingness' by some Greek ministers to implement reforms

An indirect but clear message by two top officials of European creditors towards Athens warned of ministers in the current Tsipras government that are unwilling to implement the current Greek program.

By N. Bellos

An indirect but clear message by two top officials of European creditors towards Athens warned of ministers in the current Tsipras government that are unwilling to implement the current Greek program.

The first official was EU Commissioner Pierre Moscovici a couple days ago, who was followed by European Stability Mechanism (ESM) chief Klaus Regling on Wednesday. Both men charged that certain Cabinet members were not doing enough to support the current bailout and the measures detailed in the third memorandum.

Regling’s criticism came in a television interview with Bloomberg television.

Back in Brussels, Community sources said foot-dragging over implementation of more than a dozen “prior actions”, left over from the first review of the Greek program (third bailout) in the spring, was not a recent problem.

Commission officials, meanwhile, have charged that possible investors they’ve queried cited the stance of specific ministers as a negative factor for investing in Greece, along with high tax rates.

In terms of the Greek debt relief, Regling said institutional creditors are considering short-term measures, confirming that more measures will be examined later if needed.

Asked this week about the same issue, a Commission spokeswoman this week deferred to a decision taken at the Eurogroup meeting of May 24, 2016.