Τρίτη, 14 Ιουνίου 2016 18:04

Political feud over rally demanding govt's ouster

A brewing political feud between the leftist Greek government and the opposition over a highly publicized rally in downtown Athens on Wednesday afternoon, demanding that the former resign from office, intensified on Tuesday.

A brewing political feud between the leftist Greek government and the opposition over a highly publicized rally in downtown Athens on Wednesday afternoon, demanding that the former resign from office, intensified on Tuesday.

The rally, which has been promoted over social media under the hashtag #paretithite, generated a heated response by the government spokeswoman, who charged that the rally’s demand “does not answer Greek society’s needs … and which is hostile to the country at the moment.”

Speaking on the state broadcaster’s (ERT) regional affiliate in the city of Ioannina, Olga Gerovassili nevertheless added that “everyone’s right to protest is inviolable”

She also charged that the political opposition was behind the rally, especially main opposition New Democracy.

The rally on Wednesday, scheduled to be held in front of Parliament in Syntagma Square, is patterned on the previous “Indignados” movement that vociferously protested against the previous governments, before leftist SYRIZA assumed power after the January 2015 election.