Τρίτη, 05 Απριλίου 2016 16:43

Survey shows 39% of Greek businesses considering move abroad

Results of a survey by Endeavor Greece showed that 39 percent of Greek companies are considering transferring their head offices abroad, a figure that is almost double the number from the last survey in July, days after capital controls were imposed in the wake of a snap referendum.

Results of a survey by Endeavor Greece showed that 39 percent of Greek companies are considering transferring their head offices abroad, a figure that is almost double the number from the last survey in July, days after capital controls were imposed in the wake of a snap referendum.

The number translates into 9,000 small-to-medium sized businesses in the country considering pros and cons of moving abroad. Even more ominously, 15 percent of surveyed businesses declared that they have already moved their headquarters overseas.

Technology firms and health providers are the most likely to consider an «export» of their business headquarters.

The most negative factors cited were an unstable tax system (60 percent), access to capital (55 percent), high taxation (51 percent) and red tape (42 percent).

The survey was conducted between March 23 and March 31.